Tuesday, February 24, 2009

we wait...

we heard back from sunriver and they have moved on without us in their search for a worship/family pastor. so, now...we wait.

last week was quite an eventful week...walking through the question, "Now what, God??!" After reading the letter that thanked us for our time, i just sat there in tears. I knew in my heart that was not the church for us, but really God? now what?

the next morning came my answer. ry got an email from dennis, the EVFree churches of America denomination guy. we are meeting him for dinner tomorrow night for a formal interview of sorts. i'll write and let you know how it goes. anyway...he asked us if we knew a tim griffin. well..of course we do...he married us, was instrumental in ryan going back to grad school...we love him and his family. in the email dennis said he was looking forward to our dinner and if we knew tim griffin. it was just nice to get that email and see that the lord is taking care of us...in the little things like an email...we are known even to a small degree because dennis knows tim...i don't totally feel like a number or some random resume on dennis' desk. i feel a bit more known...thank you lord. you know us, you will provide for us. thank you!

i'm still pretty sad about the prospect of bend now being gone...unless the lord opens something up there, there really is no reason why we'd move there. so now we wait...expectant at what the lord will unfold this week.

pray for us tomorrow from 5-7 as we meet with dennis. the following morning (thursday) ry has breakfast with our denominational guy, mark to have a formal interview. i have NO idea what this all means...but i do know that the Lord knows us and will guide our days.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

i'll be praying alyssa!