Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Job updates

SO....I've not posted in a year and now i'm on post three of the same evening!!  HA!

Here is a job update for y'all:

Ryan is now the senior pastor of Sunland Neighborhood Church.  SENIOR PASTOR y'all!  I guess if you really think about it, i've been a pastors wife our whole marriage (he was a youth pastor for a couple years, then quit to finish Talbot, did his internship, then was a RD which is like a college pastor, for 9 years, then also was a worship pastor for 5 years, and then a discipleship pastor at Sunland before becoming the queso grande...)  It was such a lovely transition.  Duke, (our former senior pastor) resigned under very healthy reasons.  He left slowly which was a gift.  He and Ry split the pulpit (Duke would preach, then Ry, then Duke...etc...etc...) and Ryan took over officially this past June.  I'm so proud of him.  And our church has been so amazing.  I'm so grateful.  We are valued, cared for, doted on (they threw us a house warming party! and gave the kids gifts too!)  I just feel so blessed.  I say that truly from the bottom of my heart.  I know that there are a lot of churches out there that are hard to be apart of (trust me-i've been a part of several hard transitions and churches with issues), and I can honestly say that I know we are human, and I know there are our fair share of issues, but the Lord has blessed us with a good foundation.

Me.  Well, from previous posts, you know that I was looking for work back in 2010 when we moved out here.  The Lord opened up a door for me to work at East Whittier City School District part time as a sub while I was still at Biola.  Without going back to hunt previous posts if I shared, but after a LOT of prayer and wrestling with the Lord, I said goodbye to Biola in 2011.  That is still a hard thing for me.  BUT that is another post.  The Lord really made it evident that he was closing that door and opening one at EWCSD for me.  I kept trying to leave EWCSD and stay at Biola and he made that clear-that EWCSD is where I was to be.  (That too is another post!) So, I stayed.  Not always happily to be quite honest.  I now have been at EWCSD since that time (subbed for several months 2010-2011, then got a part time job there 2011, then applied and got a full time job there with benefits (which is something we needed badly!) in late 2011 and have been in that position ever since.  I am the purchasing agent.  I do all of the purchasing for the school district.  I am learning sooo much.  I am grateful each day that I have a job.  I do have to admit that it's hard though.  The commute I have is about 2 hours a day (1 hour each way).  I am grateful I have great hours where I don't hit too much traffic.  BUT, those hours are 6:30am to 3pm.  I am an early bird!  There are days (like last week even) that I wish I didn't have to work, that I could stay home, or work closer to home-but I am pretty lucky, especially in this time in our district's history...there are many people who are loosing their jobs.  I am someone that will more than likely (I pray!) not loose theirs.  I know that there could always be a chance that could happen, but for today, I have a job.  It's not too bad either!!  And I still giggle at the irony-that the Lord provided a job where I shop all pay off all the shopping i've done!  HA!

I'll post more on the above another time.  That's just the 'info' part of it.  You know there will be layers to this to share.

Good night!

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