Workin' the crowd

Ed is a HUGE, ENORMOUS USC fan. They used that theme throughout the party.

The Family (Linda not pictured, she is about to give a little speech)

My awesome father in law, Ed, retired from 35yrs of teach this year. The PTA threw him a suprise party that we knew about for months, yet somehow managed to keep it from him!! Below are some of the photo highlights from that night...oh and get ready...I finally found my photo computer cord, so i'm a photo uploading fool today!! hooray for updates!!!

Ed with his cakes

Ed and his lovely sister. We had her fly in to suprise him in case the party leaked and he found out about it. Well...it didn't leak, and to watch his suprise about the gathering when he walked into the hall was amazing, then to realize LeeAnn was here, was just a double treat. Thanks for flying out!!!

The boys...what is Will thinking in this photo?!?!

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