Tuesday, February 16, 2010

update on job stuff...

We just had an awesome weekend (however, Ry now has bronchitis...bummer!) up in Santa Maria. The church had us all go up and check out the church and we were apart of several meals, meet and greets and Ryan was interviewed by the search committee. To say that the central coast is beautiful is an understatement. What an awesome gift from God to have clear blue skies, wonderful tour guides (THANK YOU RAES!) and a small taste of what it could look like to live up there and experience the community of The Harbor church. We loved the people and town. We are prayerfully considering, as they are too, if this is a good fit for us/them. We have a lot of variables to pray and consider. We are also meeting with another church up in the LA area. Ry meets with them next week and we visit the church this Sunday. Please keep us in your prayers as we discern what the next steps are, what the best fit for our family and Ryan is. We have not been offered a job by either church, so we are still here at Biola and committed to the awesome community here until the Lord moves us on. Pray that we are able to stay present to them in the process. We really enjoyed being up north, but again, staying open to the Lord in this process.

I have to be honest...it is sort of nerve wracking...BUT...I can't tell you how covered in prayer we feel and are so blessed by our community-thank you. I am also pretty excited each day to watch the Lord at work and what in the world he is up to. So i'm soooo expectant. We'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

the hickles said...

thanks for the update. Will continue to pray!