Sunday, January 31, 2010

new camera

i got a new camera for christmas!!!!!!!! a nikon d5000. i'd learning still...but here is a pictoral glance at our month...

During the storm the past few weeks, we finally let the kids out and let them puddle jump it up...they had sooo much fun!!

The girl cousins all got GC to Disney 365, this store at downtown disney, and got their hair all done and had suuuch a blast getting their hair and makeup done. sooooo fun!!! can they be this big already??!?!

One of the other christmas gifts was a pass to a rock climbing gym. The kids LOVE it.

Our little one lost her first front tooth!!

I turned this dress (below) that I never wore, into the dress (above) courtesy of this awesome website!!

two dear dear dear friends got hitched!! Todd and Beth Tabor. YEAH!!!

Ry got his rock star on at our annual new years eve bash at our church. All of downtown fullerton's streets close down and are filled with bands, bounce houses and food for the community to come and have a safe new years celebration at. Our church opens the gym up and has a band made up of folks from the congregation play cover tunes. This is when Ryan is singing (can't recall the song, maybe dead or alive by bon jovi?)

What has your month looked like?

1 comment:

I am Katy, said...

Hi Alyssa,

Love the blog! It was nice to meet you and your family this weekend. Patrick had a blast playing with William.