After the baclaurette with Dr. Dennis and Karen Dirks. He is the dean of the seminary I went to and i've actually known him and more specifically his daughter, Jen (Hey Jen!! here's the photo I promised!) since I think 5th grade...maybe 6th...I love them and their family sooo much. It was so special to get a photo with them...I wonder if i can find one of us when I was little...i'll have to hunt...
oh...Baclaurrette (sp?) is a special hooding ceremony for graduate students. Talbot hosts a dinner at Knotts Berry farm and you can choose who hoods you (I chose a professor that I loved (not that I didn't love all of them) and who reallly walk my road with me...) My whole family was there to watch it and it was just amazing and pretty sacred. It felt more like the graduation to me than the actual graduation...

Lauren and Lindsey-two super good friends from my program

Dr. Betsy Barber and Dr. John Coe-two other professors from my program. Dr. Coe is the director of my program...sort of a nutty professor type-but wise, loving, compassionate and one who loves the Lord. I guess that would make us all a bit nutty, wouldn't it??!

Ah...Linsdey!! We made it!!

Megen...who the next night got engaged!!

Dr. Judy TenElshof

Megen and her fiance, Andrew

Ry and I...we have been at each other's graduations since High School...

Ry and his grandfather

The whole family who came-minus Daniel and Marisa

After Judy Hooded me

Getting hooded

Ry came up with me to also be honored as a spouse and for his love and time in supporting me through this program

waiting to get hooded

Daniel and my sister, Marisa

Cool photo of me walking in on my way to get hooded (thanks Daniel!)

My Family!

Me and my good friend, Charity

just before leaving, Emily was soooo excited for me. I just thought that was so cute and cool!

A week ago tomorrow I graduated from Talbot Seminary with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Formation and Soul did that happen? Didn't I just start this program??!! How is it possible that I actually completed 66 units of coursework while attempting to maintain a home with two babies (both of whom some how managed to get potty trained! amazing grace how sweet the sound!!) who are now no longer babies but full fledged kids...
I don't think I can ever express in this little update the impact of this program on my life. I hope to share a bit each time I log on to also aid and help me process what in the world just happened these past three years. In the meantime...enjoy some photos from last week