Tuesday, March 31, 2009


why is it so important to receive permission?? this is a question i'm thinking a lot about. there are a great number of things i have learned while in grad school that are amazing and have equipped me for the future. so...now what? the future is about 50 days away...and i have some ideas... and there is fear there...fear in sharing the ideas...what if i share them and someone says, 'no, i don't think that can work for you'...why is it that i value the words of my professors so much that i don't really feel released to do the things i feel i think i want to do until i receive their permission?

what will it look like to think outside the box a bit to consider my future-it's not safe...but it could be amazing to see how it could be possible...could i actually get paid to help people? that is what i was trained to do...i actually do get paid now for it...but outside of grad school...with my training wheels off...do i have permission to go and do it outside of biola? in the church? outside the church coming along side churches and supporting them??

sigh...welcome to my interior!!

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