So has it been about a month since my last post??!! Well...I still shouldn't be taking the time to post right now-but...writing my paper is NOT on the top of my list right now. Although, I have so much material-I could write the intro to my dissertation (if i wanted it to be on the comparison of benedictine monasticism and the 12 marks of the new monasticism...interesting, but not my idea of PhD work, i'll leave that to Dr. Peters who I interviewed!)
Okay...so enough of school work! I'll show you some photos of HIGH procrastination!! In all efforts to avoid my four papers (three down, one to go! yeahoo!) I taught myself how to upholster my head board and foot board!! (yes, you read correctly!)
So, i've just done the basic so far (i LOVE staple guns!) so now i need to get some fabric to cover the basic form now-and maybe paint the rest of the bed (i'm sooo over our natural knotty pine bed!!) i watched one of my favorite old HGTV shows (which, sad to say, is not on any longer!) design remix. They take about $50 and what you already have and re-make it into something awesome. I had two king bed matress toppers aka foam and an old sheet set and voila!
so...to me...this is also green living!! i used something that was collecting dust in the corner of my bedroom...and re-purposed it!! yeah!!
i also went through all my clothes-shoes-accessories (which is VERY limited! two belts!) and re-arranged, re-organized and re-made up some new outfits. in an effort to NOT spend money shopping, i've been holding onto some old catalogs of favorite stores to inspire me to re-create what i have into new outfits. i'm pretty suprised on my success thus far.
what have you done lately to re-purpose something? there is a blog a friend directed me to (i'll let you know about it when i remember where it is!) that she re-purposes old vintage fabrics and pillowcases into bags, skirts, etc...i want to check out her skirts!!
my next re-purposing once school is out-making our family christmas cards / letter out of left over paper over the years. i am determined to blog/email/facebook the ones i can and then mail out the rest of folks who i don't have a means to contact them electronically. with the remainer of the paper i have over the years, i hope to NOT have to purchase more paper. maybe i'll have enough left overs to actually mail out all the letters we send!!
what can you re-purpose/re-mix/re-create this season?? post your ideas!! i LOVE new inspiration!