Wednesday, January 30, 2008

kiddo update

will: is a talking fool! most of the time you can't make out what he is saying...BUT...he is talking! two-three-four words at a time. he was singing happy birthday today for some awesome reason. i loved it! he totally knows what he wants and doesn't want. "no, no, no...'k" he'll look at his options in front of him, say no a bunch of times till he gets to what he wants, then says sort of pittifully, "okay" or "'k". it's hilarious! he's into growling, mud, jumping onto-off from-into-on anything, rolling on anything, hugging his sister, singing songs...i just love this stage he's in.

em: is still soooo inquisitive. she asks questions all the time about anything, "mom, when was the last time you hurt your knee?" "mom, when was the last time you cried"? where does she come up with this? she's sooo compassionate. her heart is so kind and loving, it's beautiful. then, she can be a total little diva and not share and not be kind. but...90% of the time, she is just dreamy. they both are! she is into singing ariel a LOT, anything princess still is her favorite, she loves to pretend anything (cook, re-inact a disney princess scene with her dad who is the beast, prince eric, prince phillip, alladin...), paint, draw, jump, run, walk, talk...learn...listen to stories her dad makes up at night, sing songs at the top of her lungs (there really is no volume control to her-it's either loud or she's asleep!), she is just in love with life. it's contageous.

i'll post pics soon. need to download some and edit a bit. any thoughts on digital cameras? (i'd love a cheap one that is small, i have a great SLR camera i LOVE, but would love a little digital one...thoughts?

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