Monday, October 26, 2009


so...thought i'd change up the blog a bit...give it an autumn feel...i just wish the weather was following as well!!

i'm soo behind on uploading photos...sorry fam and friends. here are some from the weekend get away to our annual fall family festival with the Stumps and was sooo fun! the blog design is actually inspired by my friend michele who LOVES owls : )

how are you celebrating fall?

katrina and her pumpkin

this amazingly talented (and sort of awkward) family who sings old barn-ish kind of music

lunch at the barn

three of the five girls that we now have in our group!! (note the skirts, i made them for all the's a scarecrow fabric (thanks heath!) and some other coordinating fabric from the hoopers...i made 5 skirts for FREE! to celebrate fall. what else was i going to do with a couple yards of cute scarecrow fabric??!

i LOVE that will is wearing ry's hat and his hand is just on his chin...i love my two men!

the girls posing in front of an old mirror...

dunno what she's smiling about as i captured this...maybe just the fact that she was with her bff's all weekend? ah...i love emmy's smile!!

bedtime storytime before the sleepovers begin...thankfully all kids were tuckered out and fell asleep FAST both nights...thank you GOD!

Tree climbing...

Arts and crafts...

Corn maze on the first day we got there...we all did it, i just thought the photo of will and ry was cute. they made it all the way through

could ellie BE any cuter?

oh man...these ladies are going to break some hearts someday!!

1 comment:

Jenna Lyndsay said...

i love the photo of the girls posing in the mirror. so cute. way to go on those skirts alyssa! love you!