Thursday, October 29, 2009


Okay...a kind gentleman in one of my 709 classes mentioned that he loved Chicago style pizza. I quickly said, "Ryan LOVES that...someplace called Gioda...Gierido...something like that" He quickly said, "oh yeah...that place is epic. I found a place out gotta try it!"

long story short...this said pizza place is none other than Tony's Little Italy on the corner of Bastenchury and Placentia...across the street from our elementary school and down the street from my in laws house!! this deep dish pizza was EPIC! perfection! the perfect consolation for our car breaking down (yeah...our accord finally lost it's transmission and also has a crack in the radiator or coolant crack or something....Lord-please provide!)

So...I swept my hubby and kiddos into the car and with $22 in my pocket, we got a medium deep dish pizza with cheese, pep and pinapple. i brought two apple juice boxes, a bag of carrots to split for the kids (just so in my mind, they somehow get a more rounded meal) and ry and i split a coke and spent $22 (including tip!) yahoo!!

1808 N Placentia Ave
Placentia, CA 92870-2300
(714) 528-2159


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