Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Long time to type

It's been a year and a couple days since my last post.  A LOT has gone on since then.  It was a year ago previous to that post that I had posted.  MAN...our adventures have taken me away from this.  I hope to re-engage in this blog.  I had been away from it for quite awhile for many reasons.  Some obvious (working full time, full time mom stuff, husband to attend to, etc...etc...) but other things not so obvious (who reads this...who cares what's going on, what I have to say, etc...etc....) So...needless to say, i'm going to discipline myself to post, regardless of how unimportant or important my rants may be.

Here is a synopsis of our last year:

1) Went hunting for a home...
2) Went to Yosemite on a family camping trip that was so epic the kids still talk about it
3) Came back, got some financial affairs in order
4) PAID OFF OUR CREDIT CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (now onto school debt-roll snowball roll!)
5) Started to hunt for a home again
6) Put in several offers on homes that we kept getting outbid on
7) Found a little home that someone took our bid on and now we call it home.  "Evelyn" is her name.
8) Settled in...
9) Now I am getting itchy / antsy to start renvoating.  BUT how do you renovate when you are on a budget-hello pinterest and blogs and HGTV and friends and thrifting and ideas and.........

There is so much more about our year...but suffice it to say now, that's the big news.

I'll come back and talk more later.

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