Sunday, January 31, 2010


ah...i've been sick all week. all my plans of posting new photos and sharing what's going on is sort of on hold while i get better...
i have that poem in my head again "i cannot go to school today, said little peggy ann mckay"...
although i don't have a rash or purple bumps (thank GOD) i am congested, foggy, slow, sleepy, coughy and achy.
: ( boo...

the kids are fine. congested, but have energy and ry has been a HUGE help in a weekend when he usually can't be of much help. it's opening weekend for the spring term here at biola, so he is usually working out room mate conflicts and ironing out housing issues, but it's been a kinder process this weekend...i'm so thankful. and the kids have been great too. now, if the laundry could just do itself....

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