Friday, June 5, 2009

Operation "Fit back into my pants"

Ryan here!
Aly showed me how to blog so here we first post.
Just recently Aly and I have begun a new journey in our lives. It is called: "Operation Fit Back Into My pants". Why did we begin this new journey? Very simply, our motivation for this change in our lives derives from two factors: A. our pants don't fit right and B. we are too cheap to buy new pants.
Oh Ryan, c'mon on, your pants fit fine. they don't look bad at all.
Thank you for thinking this, but it is not the aesthetic appearance of our pants that concerns us, it's the fact that they hurt, especially when I'm driving. I have recently begun unbuckling my jeans when I drive! How did it come to this?

You know you're in trouble when you are thinking of ways to build a case with your boss that basketball shorts are indeed professional enough to wear to the office.

So yes friends...our pants do not fit right... they are downright uncomfortable and this needs to change.

okay, so why not buy new pants. comfort is important right?! Not spending money is important. Not having to go shopping is important! I did consider getting new pants. I even went to Savers (our local "I take all my crud clothes and give them away and then Savers sells them for two bucks" store) and found a virtual ton of old used jeans and pants that fit my new size. But then I'd have to spend money on them, and NOT spending money is important. I'd have to try them on look at them in the mirror, ask the question: "honey does this make my butt look big, is this too tight on my large calves (thank you father for this inherited trait); and these questions fall into a certain class that qualifies me as SHOPPING. I don't Shop. It is one of the most emotionally and physically draining activities I can engage in.
So........ I didn't buy new pants. And why should I! There are two painful paths here. One is the path of defeat and painful it is (because I have to spend money and go shopping). The other road is the pain of WAR!!! I will wage war against my bulging "Omentum" (medical term for the fat layer that forms under your abdominal section and sends toxins into your blood stream- see "You on a diet"). I will fit back into my pants. I will not give in. My body is too bootylicious for me and it's time to engage in a precisely well oiled mission to fit back into my pants!!!
So we decided we were going to do this. There are several easy directives for this mission:
1. Soda go bye-bye.
this is not easy. I drink about 100-150 ounces of straight up Coca Cola a day. Add to that the fact that chocoalte is one of my three main food groups along with burritos, and burgers; and you've got yourself a one way ticket on a big smog belching bus destined for "Adult onset diabetes land". So cola needs to go bye bye.

2. We must eat better.
This is easier said than done. remember when I told you about my three major food groups. yes, none of those fit into the "Eating Better" category. We have chosen the abs diet to help with this. The food is great and i still get to eat fruit. I do like fruit. especially covered in chocolate. but Fruit alone will do.

3. we must exercise.
No, chewing is not enough exercise. I actually have to run, lift weights. Greg Stump and I are going to play tennis twice a week. I will also be going to the beach to swim. Aly is working out with Charity every morning.

So it's been five days and I can honestly say, we've exercised, but the diet is still a work in progress. my hope is that we can get structured and we will leave occasional updates here. the point is to fit in our pants and stay in our pants forever, so we never have to buy clothes again...or go shopping! :0 Hahaha. Alyssa is shaking her head right now..


Alli said...

You can do it! I'm excited for you guys to jump on the challenge. It's gonna be crazy hard, but oh so good! Two words:




Alyssa said...

BRING IT!!! perfect comment!!

Sarah said...

Hey sweet Low's Sarah. Charity encouraged me to drop by your blog. So fun. I have to tell you these last two posts got me so excited for you two. Living the lives you kids (which I'd say the kids much as we do love them...really drains the mental part of our beings which we need so desperately to stay focused while we workout and when we enter the kitchen)....anyway...your lives have made it pretty difficult to put time into this.

I love the name you gave to it...made me laugh out loud. I'm so like that's so expensive to gain clothes are fun but dang!!! When the budget is tight we can't afford to gain weight!!

Please let me know if you'd like any fresh ideas for marinades or anything. I had to modify our diet and be pretty strict about 5 years ago because Kurt was diagnosed with high blood pressure (he went off meds for it 18 months later). The kids were never casserole type people anyway but I SUCKED at grilling. I love it now and have found a few staples that don't take any super expensive ingredients or are that time consuming. I always feel better if I have a marinade going in the morning then with just a few veggies, some fruit salad and starch (optional) we are SET!!!

I'll be keeping up with your progress!!! Take care...and the workouts will get better. The first month is always so hard and such a shock to your body. Give yourself that time to be tired, sore, and maybe thinking hateful thoughts toward your tough partner Charity there...just kidding. ;) LOVE SARAH