as of oct. 3rd at 10:30am, i have been married to the love of my life, ryan low for 10 years. a dear couple from school gave us their time share in cabo san lucas, so ry and i coordinated child care for the kids for the week as we flew off to paradise!! here are some highlights from our trip.
At the pool!! there was this island in the middle of the pool that bubbled up and massaged you! and if you see in the background, this black circle 'pod'...this is where i LIVED for the week!! it was like a queen bed next to the pool!

our friend, the hairy moth! this HUGE moth was stuck behind the headboard of the bed. i heard it bumping up against the headboard. we looked and it was this HUGE hairy moth! so we coaxed it down from behind the headboard and caught it in the container to let it free. let the adventure begin! this was the the first night there!!

on our last night, ry took this picture of me waiting for him before we went down to dinner. i was watching the sunset and he said "wait! wait! " and snapped the shot!

after dinner on our last night. we ate this amazing butcher block full of tacos and fillings and stuff! it was amazing! i could only eat about 2, ry at about 10!!! thus, the pregger belly!

the bed of our suite!!! amazing!!

our self portrait before our anniversary dinner.

the view from our room. i know. amazing!

ry getting into the hammock!

the kitchen/dining area of the suite we stayed in. i LOVED the lamp!

the dessert they gave us!! flan...yum!

the entrance to the restaurant we ate the flan at

the bus we took to get to the main city, cabo san lucas, in pursuit of cabo wabo cantina-sammy hagars place-where ry wanted to go since he's a HUGE van halen fan.

we found it!! cabo wabo baby!!

the beach right outside the hotel property. the water was so warm it wasn't refreshing

oh...this trip was amazing. shaeffers, thank you so much for this gift. what a way to enter into the next ten years!!
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