A LONG time ago...I said I would show you the little changes I was going to make in an effort to live more sustainably and less wasteful. Below are three little photos of changes i've made.
I have a basket (below) full of towels, older towels and older napkins that I use instead of paper towels. I was going to buy all new towels and have them be all white and amazing, BUT then i thought, "another way to continue to live sustainably, is not to spend more money on items that really are meant to be dirty and not white and pretty!" therefore, I just am using what I already had! I re-use a towel till it's just too dirty or smelly, put it off to the side in a pile to be added to the laundry pile, and then use another. (also, on the side, is my aluminum water bottle-the only thing i don't like about it-i can't fit my ice cubes in them-i will need to purchase an ice mold maker in long tubes (at ikea) to put in my bottle) The thing i LOVE about it-it's a perfect size for my bag, it was $5 at pottery barn (and others online were like $20!) and it will fit in the pottery barn lunch pail that is made from chemical free insulation and has glass containers for your food to match.

No more paper napkins! Finally-a daily excuse to use my cute linen napkins i've only used in the past for special occassions-but isn't every day with your family a special occassion!? and not creating more waste is also another reason to celebrate! (okay-cheesy, i know!)

My little recycling station. I only made a station for the things I can either locally recycle or to on campus (oh, how i wish i could have more!) The company that picks up the trash separates the other stuff in my trash for recycling. The trash containers I got at Home Depot for $6 or $8 dollars a piece, the base they are standing on is a shoe organizer from Target for $10. As you can see, the used napkins or used towels i put between the cans and at the end of each day, I just pick them up and put them in the hamper. The middle shelf is all the cardboard boxes I will tie up and place in the trash to have recycled. The bottom shelf are plastic grocery sacks that I have to take back to the local grocery store. Staters, Albertsons, Vons and Fresh & Easy all have a place at each entrance/exit for you to put clean plastic bags for recycling. My reusable bags (i got from trader joes for a buck a pop-to feed my whole family, i bought 6-that contains all the food i've needed. 5 bags-1 insulated bag for milk) i keep them in my trunk so i don't ever forget them. I got the pictures off of google images and just glued them onto cute paper so the kids would know where to put what (another reason why i made the station, so they'd begin to learn how to recycle). We actually just took our first load of plastic and glass to the recycling center and made $2!!! I told Emily that we'd put that towards our gelato night!!
; ) Any questions? lemme know!! also, let me know the changes you are making!!

Some other changes we've made:
All bath products are organic. What we wash our bodies with I have seen, affects our skin. William's skin has always been uber sensitive and since going organic with bubble bath, soap, lotion-he has totally slowed down his itching. Seriously-i thought i wasn't going to see a change-but i did. I LOVE LOVE LOVE method baby (target). i wish i could buy a costco size bottle of it because i love the smell so much i'd use it!! i use aubry organic baby lotion after bathtime...oh-the kids just smell edible!! i LOVE it!!
Adult soap-i used Jason-tea tree. It lasted about 2 months! it's a pretty large bottle that we all used till i got method last shopping trip. I saved the bottle (because it has a great pump top) and am going to refill it with whatever I can find (method sells refillable bags of soap at target) once we are done with it.
My shampoo-I tried avalon organic from traders-terrible! smelt great (lavender) but the conditioner didn't work at all. I am now using giovanni organic and love it. i got it at henrys, but i think you can get it at target. it's $7 a bottle-and has lasted me a good month and 1/2. that is with ry and i using it. i would love a cheaper one that works and doesn't cause my hair to dread-but for now, i'll stick with this.
anyone have a good face wash? I like my alba wash (ad love my alba lip gloss!!!)-but don't really have anything i like for after wash (used Juice (from sephora) but not super stoked on it). I just feel like my face looks older. that also could be because i'm older! (just turned 34 and am acutely aware of my wrinkles all of a sudden!)...i'd like a killer moisterizer and make up ideas...
As I am finishing up my cleaning supplies, I am moving towards green products. anyone have anything they like for toilets, mirrors and wood kitchen tables?
wow-thanks for reading the novel!! finally had time to catch everyone up!!