we are waiting for our close up...

bean bag fun (they are laying on a bean bag)

don't you like my shoes? they match my dress!

practicing for the big moment...

Frame fun

Trevor driving the bus at the kids museum...

the girls trying on the dress up clothes in grandma's closet

beautiful katie morales!!

'i can do this! i can walk down the aisle!!!'

Our new 2008-2009 staff for Hart Hall...

Our attempt at a family photo for the hall board..Will-would you look at the camera!!??

Yes...we finally got a smile!

okay...so where haven't we been!!! since moving back on campus, it has been a whirlwind of re organization, unpacking, laundry, dusting...and oh...welcoming the new RAs for the new school term (RA=Resident Assistant...the students who live in the hall on the floors and run the events that Ryan mentors for the year-among other things) and being in a wedding...here are some photos from the past few weeks. sorry i've been silent! i'll write more maybe tonight. a lot has been going on...