Sunday, July 13, 2008

idea for today trying to start living green can be utterly overwhelming!!  i've researched, checked blogs, read a few books...and i'm a bit overwhelmed.  BUT...making one choice a day or week can make it less overwhelming!  here are my ideas so far (one idea also inspired by my friend chrissy, thanks!)

1) change to cloth napkins.  i seems odd.  BUT, you can wash them, re-use them and create less waste!  
2) change to cloth towels instead of paper.  i my #1 reason (you can wash, re-use...etc...) and both changes in the long run save you money.  two/three packs of car wash towels from target ($13 a pack) are super absorbent and you won't have to buy paper towels again!  you can put them in a cute basket on your shelf and put a trash can in the kitchen for all used towels-take the can with you to do the laundry and wash them...easy, eh?!?

i also have a HUGE idea (when i move back into our place) of putting one carry container full of my cleaning products (which will be another 'idea for today' idea on changing over to non-toxic, non-polluting cleaning products) in a central area instead of having cleaning products in every area of my house and using the under-area of my kitchen sink for a recycle center so the kids and i can all do it together!! i'll take photos of all the changes i do and post them once we move into our place again.  so the photos can inspire you too!

3) once simple easy free idea....turn off the water when you brush your teeth.  you waste approx.  35 glasses of water while you have it on while you brush your teeth.  turn it on to wet your brush, turn it off. your business...brush some more...finish...then rinse.  

hope this inspires you and feel free to post your ideas too!!

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