Friday, July 4, 2008

em and will

oh...updates are in order...yesterday was a banner day in our house!
emily:  had her first visit to urgent care.  we were having an awesome day with our friends visiting from washington DC and yucaipa and while playing hit the concrete with her chin and it split open about a inch.  needless to say, i freaked out a bit (interiorly-because i kept telling myself, if she sees me freak out, she'll faint!-trust me...she would!) dearest friends becky and michele and gina kept me all together while dear melanie gathered all my stuff up.  becky called ryan, i called kaiser to find out where to go, and with prayer over us, we were off.  michele took will with her and he took his nap on their bed (THANK YOU!) and we met ry at the urgent care.  emily charmed them all (of course!) with how amazingly calm she was.  i was WAY more shook up than she was!  she held her napkin to her chin to apply pressure and was a champ!  they glued her chin back together and taped it up and now in one week, she'll be back to her old self!  sigh...what a thursday!  i have photos of the experience, i will post them when i'm on my computer (i'm on my father in laws)

will has his very own big boy toilet and is wearing big boy pants!  well...not all the time...but his little body in his pants are amazing!  he has NO toosh to hold them up, or thighs to fill out the pants...hilarious!  he sits on the potty but nothing happens.  which is totally fine-i'm just glad he wants to sit on it!  

i'll post photos soon!!  

IF you are not doing anything for 4th of july...
4pm till fireworks are done...
come to wilshire avenue community church on the corner of wilshire and pomona in downtown fullerton.  ry's singing in the church band that is playing tons of awesome tunes, bounce houses for kids, free food...come on down!!


Sharon said...

wow alyssa! you must give yourSELF credit for being very brave too! glad everything worked out. happy 4th!

& i love the picture of ryan + the kids!

Alyssa Low said...

oh man...i'm still queasy about it when i change out the bandage. man! i could NEVER be a nurse!