my favorite little man...i know this photo was about 7 months ago (note long hair on aly and short hair on will!) but i saw this in my iphoto and forgot about this shot and i just fell in love with it again. oh how i LOVE having a little guy. my favorite things about him right now...
1. his temper tantrums. emmy never had these. he CRACKS me up! (it's frustrating too, but mostly hilarious!) he asks me for something...i say, "go get it and i'll show you how to do it" he asks again-because he doesn't want to go get it, he wants me to go get it..and i say again go get it. he huffs...walks into the other room and punches the couch with a loud grunt. it seriously cracks me up. by far the funniest thing so far! i'm trying to learn the line between allowing him to be a little boy and be physical and rough and also the line where he needs to know to share and not throw and hit. i don't think he does this yet (at least what i've observed) but having a little guy is new territory for me!!
2. his words. he didn't talk for a long time. now he talks all the time and has such a great little vocabulary. i love his voice and words. 'right thhheeerrree' as he points to a bug or cup or item he wants...he says it all sing song-y...it's so cute!!
3. his humor. he LOVES youtube and they have these french animated penguins that he LOVES and he dances around to the music and knows the little moves the penguins make. he also loves danze avec igor. he jumps and dances to the little monkey. he's more literate in youtube that i! but he dances around, making up silly songs, tackling his sister to the ground and laughing, then if we are cracking up more...he just knows he got us going and tries for more. i love it!
so...there is an update on will. our little 2 1/2 year old wonder guy. i'll have to take a photo of him in the pool. he has these 2T swim trunks he wears, but has NO toosh or hips to hold them up, so he's low riding like the surfer guys all the time! seriously, the only fat on that kid are his face cheeks and bootie cheeks! they just aren't fat enough to hold his trunks up! : )
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