Monday, February 25, 2008

an adventure indeed... 4pm yesterday, emily woke up with a 102 fever...went to bed...we checked in on her several times and she seems cooler. at 4am she woke up with a 105.2 temp!!! through it all, she was a champ! not lethargic (it takes quite a bit to couch this little diva) actually playing tea in the lukewarm tub the nurse told us to put her in and joined in with ryan and sang god of wonders! amazing. so, she was on the couch stripped down to her little undies while we waited for her temp to drop under her night night drinking water and singing to leapfrog's letter factory at 5am while ryan and i were semi asleep semi adrenalene rush trying to monitor her temp and watch the clock till our next phone call to the nurse. in a hour it went from 105 to 99. praise the lord. the rest of the day she slept, woke up...played...colored...laid...played...and now still at 99 degrees, she is asleep. sigh...

what an adventure. i hope to not repeat this one!

i said i'd post new photos, of which i have...but i'm too tired! i'll do it tomorrow.

please pray for our family that will doesn't get this crazy 8hr fever thing. we've been in the thick of getting brochitis and ear infections out of our systems.

off to the in-laws tomorrow..because facilities is painting our bedroom and the kids bedroom!!! yeah!!!

off to bed : )


michele said...

Hey, sorry Emily was so sick! I didn't know! I'm glad she's better.

michele said...

Hey, sorry Emily was so sick! I didn't know! I'm glad she's better.