Well.. this has to be one of my favorite families EVER. I mean really. Most people have know that I lived with Ryan and Aly. What they don't know is that these two played my pseudo family at a time when things with mine were really hard. I spent about 8 months living with them in Heart Hall prior to the babies.. So I guess you could say that I was their first. The love that I have for these two incredible people is about as close as you can come to family. Something about walking into the dorm and hearing them say my name.. I felt at home. I still do actually.
So.. this is for the family that I love so much.. even if we don't see each other often. I will LOVE you forever!!!!
Ok.. some of my favorite photos.. ALY!!! OMG you look HOT here!!!!! Love it! and ryan..you have a total "man face" here.. hahahah. I am laughing at that.