Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey all!! We are officially on vacation!! After all the celebrations, bbqs...etc...post graduation stuff...we are settled. There is a bit of construction going on in our apartment again this summer, but only for this month of june (thank GOD!) and they put us up in the lido apartments (where students live off campus during the school year) in a two bedroom while the hallway is abated (sp?) for asbestos. they are going to:
1) move our front door in about 8ft creating a little alcove and along the new wall, a fuse box for the new ethernet (yeah better internet for hart!!) as well as
2) a bedroom closet for the kids! they don't have a closet, we made them a closet out of the hallway closet. i'm sooo excited and can't wait to see the plans that were made translated!!

okay...so now we are truly on vacation!! it's soo nice over here at the lido! we had to bring a TON of stuff over, but there are couches, great internet connection, the kids are sleeping on mattresses on the floor, but we set it up sort of like a fort and they are just loving it! we are still super close to campus, so i can make it to my morning workouts with charity!! (third day in a row! yeah! tomorrow she is workin my abs...arms were monday, today was my toosh and legs. oh, i'm sore!!) just soooo thankful to not be living with my in - laws again. i LOVE them, but it was just not our space and we were not near our friends!!

so...another thing about being on vacation, not having any school whatsoever...is that one of the things on my list of things i wanted to do upon graduation...was...to learn how to sew! i picked out a sewing machine today and hopefully, once my in laws approve...that will be my graduation present from them!! that may seem sort of dorky to y'all...but i'm sooooo excited! my daughter, emily, is beyond creative (i'm a bit creative too!) and she makes these dresses out of her blanket. she's amazing! i'd LOVE to learn how to sew with her and we can create all kinds of fun things! so, i talked to her about it and she is just so excited. i might actually take her with me to pick out some fabric with my joann's gift card (thank you HEATHER! your card is forthcoming!!) and make some simple skirts (hey heath...can i get that pattern from you!?) and learn how to make them. the place we are getting the sewing machine from also gives me classes on how to use the thing. brilliant!! i have sooo many ideas and there are so many fun blogs out there on how to sew and what you can repurpose out of something to make it into another something, i can't wait!!

another thing that i'm sooo stoked on besides working out (finally have time!) and sewing is all our other summer plans that seem to be happening! we might go camping next week (have yet to talk to ry about it!) as a family for the first time, i'd LOVE to try to get away for a night or two to just be with ry w/o kids to celebrate being done and i think i might be close with some graduation money-just need a bit more-and i'll be able to get a new camera. sooo excited!!

okay...can you tell i'm excited to have some free time!! i LOVED school, but i'm sooo done!!

i'm sure there is a ton more that needs to be communicated, but i'll sign off for now...no new photos, i forgot my camera at the house and we can't get in till the weeks end. saturday we as a family are going to julian to celebrate heather and luke getting married (i think this is the third or fourth wedding so far this year for us)!! heather is em and will's dear babysitter and our former RA and dear resident. we love them and can't wait to celebrate them!!

okay...signing off...what are you excited about for your summer? any plans, trips, anything?

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