Saturday, January 31, 2009

garage sale...

And so it began...
this morning, we had a garage sale this morning of all the things in our home (so far) and storage room that we knew we didn't want any more.
I say so it begins...because what if this is really our last year? what if we really do leave in june? It seems as though all roads are leading towards leaving...there is momemtum in the direction of might actually be leaving biola...
we'll keep you posted.
so far:
no new news from bend/sunriver
some openings down here are around, ry has a mtg with a good friend monday to talk about some open positions, so ... we'll continue to check stuff out and keep y'all posted. please continue to pray for us as we make roads to transition into our new stage of life outside of biola.
love to you all!

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